Dr. Dipesh Parmar
Kurser på DFA 2019
KISS Direct Composite Veneers – Keep It Sexy and Simple!
Emulating colour, form and lustre of teeth using direct composite techniques demands thorough knowledge of material optics, layering protocols, as well as finishing and polishing procedures. This class demystifies all this science and art, providing you with simplified direct veneer techniques with maximum aesthetic outcomes.
Renamel microfill, Brush and sculpt, Almore gold microfill instrument, IPCL instrument and Cosmedent Flexidiscs
Du vil lære:
How to simplify the selection and layering of composite resin to create life-like results repeatedly.
How to use tints and opaquers to rapidly add polychromacity to your restorations.
Designing and implementing primary, secondary and tertiary anatomy into your restorations to emulate natural tooth morphology.
Increase your confidence, speed and fees for direct composite veneers.
3,5 kursustimer
Hands-on Scenen
Fredag, 9.30 – 11.15
Dr. Dipesh Parmar
Dipesh Parmar graduated from the University of Birmingham (UK) obtaining numerous prizes and practices in Birmingham with a focus on minimally invasive aesthetic reconstructions and orthodontic treatment. He has held a clinical lecturer teaching post at Birmingham Dental School and has won multiple awards at the UK Aesthetic Dentistry Awards including Best Aesthetic Dentist UK 2018. He lectures at international level on direct resin restorations. He has been awarded diplomat status in Orthodontic dentistry from the University of Warwick.