Eric Van Dooren 2019-03-14T11:07:56+00:00

Dr. Eric Van Dooren

Kurser på DFA 2019


Digital, Kirurgi, Protetik

Digital dentistry – The dentist’s point of view.

Foredragsholdere: Dr. Eric Van Dooren & Dr. Florin Cofar

Our main goal is to reach a better understanding of the possibilities of digital dentistry today and be able to leverage them based on both clinical and entrepreneurial efficiency.

This lecture will explore the restorative possibilities today, and try to distinguish between what is a proof of concept (something that can be done) and an efficient workflow, from a dentist’s point of view. Both as a clinician, and as an entrepreneur, as many of us have both roles in daily reality.

Du vil lære:

  • Acquisition and data management.

  • Design

  • Integration of multidisciplinary scenarios.

  • Guided surgery. The basics, the tricks, the pitfalls.

  • Prosthetic arsenal for soft tissue management.

  • Restoration fabrication.

  • Model fabrication.

  • Tandlæger, Tandteknikere

  • 1,25 kursustime

  • Dental Media Scenen

  • Fredag, 11.00 – 12.15

Digital, Kirurgi, Protetik

Live: Digital dentistry – The dentist’s point of view

Foredragsholdere: Dr. Eric Van Dooren & Dr. Florin Cofar

In this Live part Dr. Eric van Dooren and Dr. Florin Cofar will show a Live case with mock-up, guided surgery for one anterior area implant and provisionals – all related to the theoretical lecture from the morning session.

  • Tandlæger, Tandteknikere

  • 1,25 kursustime

  • Live Scenen

  • Fredag, 15.15 – 16.30

Se hele programmet

Dr. Eric Van Dooren

Dr. Eric Van Dooren attended the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, where he received his degree in dentistry in 1982. He is known as one of Europe’s best specialists that successfully combine periodontics, prosthodontics and dental implantology.

His cases, articles and books have been issued in cooperation with other leading practitioners: Dr. Nitzan Bichacho, Dr. Rafi Romano, Dr. Christian Coachman, Dr. Bernard Touati, Dr. Galip Gürel, Dr. Mauro Fradeani by Quintessence Publishing. One of the books that is co-author to: The Art Of The Smile: Integrating Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Dental Technology, And Plastic Surgery In Esthetic Dental Treatment.

He is the owner of a dentistry private practice in Antwerp, Belgium. For several years now his office has incorporated a course centre, training young talents and professionals in the field. As a professor, he is also collaborating in courses and lectures with universities in Belgium, France and occasionally SUA, Argentina and Brazil. In the present he is practicing in his private office in Belgium, and lecturing all over the world.