Matthias Kern 2019-02-28T14:44:28+00:00

Prof. Dr. Med. Matthias Kern



Kurser på DFA 2019


Protetik / Proteser

Resin-bonded fixed dental protheses made from zirconia ceramic – a true alternative to single tooth implants

Resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses (RBFDPs, so-called Maryland bridges) with two metal retainer wings have been introduced over 30 years ago for a minimal invasive replacement of missing teeth. However RBFDPs are still not considered a comparable treatment modality to implants by most of the dentists.

Cantilevered anterior RBFDPs with a single ceramic retainer wing were introduced 20 years ago. They provide better esthetics and are less invasive than two-retainer RBFDPs. In the meantime execellent long-term data of this minimal invasive treatment option are available. Similar concepts are now also implemented for the replacement of posterior teeth that show promising medium-term outcomes comparable to single tooth implants.

This lecture summarizes when zirconia ceramic RBFDPs present a favorable, minimally invasive and less costly treatment alternative to single tooth implants.

Du vil lære:

  • The indications and contraindications for single retainer zirconia ceramic RBFDPs.

  • The materials and laboratory procedures used for single retainer all-ceramic RBFDPs.

  • How to bond long-term successfully to zirconia ceramic.

  • The clinical procedures to successfully use single retainer all-ceramic RBFDPs.

  • Tandlæger, Tandplejere, Tandteknikere

  • 1,25 kursustime

  • Colgate Scenen

  • Fredag, 9.45 – 11.00

Se hele programmet

Prof. Dr. Med. Matthias Kern


Matthias Kern graduated 1985 in Dentistry from Albert-Ludwigs University at Freiburg, Germany. He was Assistant Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics in Freiburg, from 1985-1991 and from 1994-1997. From 1992-1993 he was Visiting Research Associate Professor at the University of Maryland at Baltimore. Since 1997 he is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Prosthodontics, Propaedeutics and Dental Materials at the Christian-Albrechts University at Kiel, Germany.

In Dec 2011 Dr. Kern received the Schweitzer Research Award of the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics (GNYAP). From 2012-2016 Dr. Kern served as President of the German Society for Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials (DGPro).Dr. Kern serves in the Editorial Board of more than 10 peer-reviewed scientific journals and has published more than 400 scientific articles.