Serhat Köken 2019-02-28T15:19:20+00:00

Dr. Serhat Köken



Kurser på DFA 2019



Create Your Own Composite Masterpieces

Direct composites provide the clinician with the ability to provide excellent aesthetic results with minimal tooth destruction in a very efficient manner.

In this hands- on lecture, you will be shown how to achieve excellent aesthetic standards in your everyday dentistry using direct chairside composites.

Handling composites correctly can provide excellent aesthetic outcomes, which will be shown using case examples in this hands-on lecture. Using the palatal shell created from a silicone index and layering dentin shade on this palatal shell is a worldwide known technique. However, many clinicians are facing some difficulties. You will be shown how to layer with maximum 2 or 3 shades to have life looking restorations. Further, the focus will be on finishing and polishing procedures to have both texture and lustre on the created superficial enamel which may compete with ceramic restorations.

Du vil lære:

  • The clinical guidelines for color perception.

  • Planning a multi-shade layering.

  • Layering dentin and enamel shades on previously created palatal shell.

  • Procedures for finishing and polishin to create live looking restorations.

  • Tandlæger, Tandteknikere

  • 3,5 kursustimer

  • Hands-on Området

  • Lørdag, 9.30 – 11.15


Create Your Own Composite Masterpieces – LIVE

Se Dr. Serhat Köken udføre en plastopbygning i fronten live på en patient a la den, som der blev gennemgået på hands-on scenen tidligere på dagen.

Du vil lære:

  • The clinical guidelines for color perception.

  • Planning a multi-shade layering.

  • Layering dentin and enamel shades on previously created palatal shell.

  • Procedures for finishing and polishin to create live looking restorations.

  • Tandlæger, Tandplejere, Tandteknikere

  • 1,25 kursustime

  • Live Scenen

  • Lørdag, 13.30 – 14.45

Se hele programmet

Dr. Serhat Köken

Dr. Serhat Köken graduated from Marmara School of Dentistry (Istanbul) in 1998. Since 2001, he has practised general dentistry at his private clinic in Istanbul. Over the years, Dr. Serhat Köken has presented at national and international meetings on both the technical and artistic aspects of anterior direct resin restorations as well as hands-on courses on composite resin artistry dental photography.

Dr. Serhat Köken is a board member of the Turkish Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EDAD) and a Ph.D. student in Dental Biomaterials at Siena University.